Underworld Oracle Vol 2 No 1

 The final Issue of Underworld Oracle that I have has made the jump to A4 in size.  It is Vol2 No 1 from Sept/Nov 79.

It is A4 with a glossy cardstock cover and white pages. The outside of the cover has some Colour printing, the rest is in Black.  It has 20 Pages.

The editorial mentions the changes and looks forward to the future in this new format.

There is another Halls of Testing in this issue, this one is for Tumblers.  Tumblers are a character class printed in Underworld Oracle Issue 6.

There is also a new Character Class, The Storm Lord.  A sort of Elements based Magic User although there are only a few weapon restrictions.

In the letters page at the back they do mention publishing a collected volume of all the Halls of Testing dungeons though I have never seen this.

Finally they say they are trying to commit to a Monthly publishing schedule so the subscription cost will be going up.

Sadly I haven't seen any evidence of any issues produced after this one.










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